Wesley College recently endorsed and adopted the Landscape Management Strategy prepared by Jeavons Landscape Architects for its Glen Waverley campus.
The project was originally initiated because of the need to manage changes in the vegetation and tree planting on this site. The strong Australian native theme in the planting is generally highly valued and remains a strong identity for this campus. Over time, however, some trees have caused problems for buildings and drains, and many trees have already been removed. Rather than adopt an ad hoc approach to replacements, the school has taken the initiative to think and plan strategically, recognising the importance of the school landscape and its contribution to the philosophy and purpose of this Wesley School.
Jeavons staff collaborated with school staff and the grounds crew to produce the Landscape Management Strategy report. The aim of this document is to:
· Assess and discuss current development constraints on the campus
· Prepare general guidelines for tree planting and garden beds across the campus
· Prepare guidelines for access and circulation, furniture and hardscape elements that form part of the whole campus landscape
· Review the junior, middle and senior zones within the campus and make general recommendations regarding future works in these spaces.