Landscape Design Services Aged Care, Health & Disability
Jeavons landscape design services recognise the importance of nature to all humans, and in particular the therapeutic benefits offered by natural settings.
As a landscape consultant, the Jeavons team has collaborated on many projects where we integrate planting and nature as a focal point, especially in residential projects, aged care, women’s refuges, sensory gardens, and services aimed at rehabilitation and therapy.
Aged Care
Jeavons have worked on residential aged care projects, engaging with care teams and those in charge of maintenance to ensure that the environment contributes to the wellbeing and meets the specific needs of elderly residents and their carers and families. We place particular emphasis on high quality horticultural design and designing for high levels of access and inclusion in these environments.
Health and Rehabilitation
As one of our landscape architecture services, we have developed a specialty in landscape design in children’s rehabilitation centres for hospitals and health centres. The purpose of these centres is to provide child-centred, play-based therapy in fun, sensorily rich and engaging outdoor settings. These spaces are designed to be inclusive and accessible, and provide progressive, graduated challenges where children can develop or rebuild their abilities and skills. Some have very specific therapeutic purposes for therapists to work one on one with children suffering abuse and trauma.
We collaborate closely with occupational therapists, physiotherapists, speech pathologists, and fund raising teams, as well as health service managers, design consultants, architects, and engineers.
Refuges, Parenting Centres, Early Intervention Centres
Jeavons have also provided architecture landscape plan services for organisations that offer a broad range of support for women, children and families, including residential refuges, residential parenting courses, and family counselling. Outdoor play spaces that are welcoming, beautiful, and relaxing are an integral part of these support services.