Plan, Design and Re-Furbish Municipal Open Spaces, Parks, and Play Spaces
Jeavons Landscape Architects collaborate with local Councils all over Australia to plan, design and re-furbish municipal open spaces, parks, and play spaces of all sizes and budgets.
The Importance of Public Open Space
As Australian urban environments are rapidly increasing in density, Jeavons understand how important it is that residents have access to high quality, diverse open space within walking distance from home. As more families live in higher density housing, the nature of open spaces we design needs to accommodate the types of activities that families once found in their private yards.
As a professional landscape consultant and playground architects, Jeavons integrates these ideas into all our planning and design work. We design inclusive playgrounds, children’s gardens, nature play spaces, social spaces, and highly active areas into our public park designs.
We prepare Master Plans for parks, frequently working with other consultants on specialised open space such as sports fields and nature reserves.
Community Consultation and Engagement
Jeavons engage with users and residents in a variety of consultation processes to ensure the park landscape design meets the needs of all users.
Our park landscape design work aims to incorporate diverse qualities and opportunities for residents of all ages and abilities, and we aim to enhance natural habitat, aesthetic qualities, social interaction, and contemporary playground design into each project.
Tailored Spaces
Jeavons design all kinds of public play spaces, from very large, high budget, bespoke destination spaces, to small local parks.
Our playground layout designs respond to the local context and demonstrate a deep understanding of play for all ages. As park architects we build in opportunities for physically active play, sensory/creative/imaginative play, and pretend/role play. We understand the importance of all types of movement for children to ensure sensory integration and for sheer fun. Our enabling designs consciously build in skill development and graded degrees of challenge, as well as integrated opportunities for children with disabilities to feel included and participate in all aspects of the play.