Earily Childhood

Outdoor Play Area Design for Early Childhood Centres Landscape Architect

One of our landscape design firm’s key specialties is outdoor play area design for early childhood centres. As a landscape architect Melbourne based, Jeavons have collaborated with hundreds of centre managers, educators, parent committees, architects, developers, and other professionals to create high quality outdoor play spaces for young children. Our process includes early town planning stages right through full documentation and contract administration.  We work in both urban and rural /regional areas.

What is an early childhood centre? 

Centres for the education and care of children under 8 years include pre-schools and kindergartens, early learning centres, long day care, sessional programs, early intervention centres, playgroups, and maternal and child health. These may be freestanding or within community centres, hubs or on school sites.

Why is the outdoors important in early childhood?

The outdoor environment is fundamentally important in learning centre design for many reasons. Until the age of around eight years, children experience massive brain development, and outdoor play contributes to every aspect of child development in this crucial window of time.

Jeavons have a strong belief in the importance of sustainable landscape architecture for young children. We aim to maximise opportunities for engagement with nature in our kindergarten playground design and all other centre types.

The outdoors offers children opportunities to test their physical development, to master skills and challenges, and to develop strength, fitness, and resilience.

When outside, children discover creative and sensory experiences and opportunities for open-ended, imaginative, and unstructured play.  Jeavons prioritise their need to experience the sky, the weather and seasonal change, engage with the natural world, dig in dirt and sand, play with water, and build with loose materials.

Planning the outdoors at the earliest stages 

Playground design architecture plays a crucial role from the earliest stages of planning a children’s centre. The Jeavons team provides input for architects, developers, Councils, and planners to ensure outdoor play spaces are large enough and equipped to provide these important activities for children.

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